The incident happened at Ciudad Real Airport in Spain, only around 180km from Madrid's city centre. While no injuries were reported, locals are concerned about toxic fumes emitting from the aircraft.
By: SkyX
Published on: 23 April 2024, 9.04am (GMT +8)
The aircraft was due to be scrapped. Photo: Flickr
On April 18th, 2024, a former Cathay Pacific aircraft caught fire while parked at Ciudad Real Airport in Spain. The specific aircraft from Cathay Dragon Airlines, with the registration numbers B-HLF/B-HLH, was utterly destroyed in the fire. The plane had been parked at the airport since 2020 and was set to be scrapped due to its age.
The aircraft was burnt completely. Photo: Jesús Monroy
The cause of the fire is unknown, but it is possible that high temperatures and hot surfaces were contributing factors. No injuries were reported, but the large amount of black smoke produced by the fire caused concern for the local population due to its toxicity. The smoke was even visible from Madrid, which is located 180 km away from the airport.